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sodium tartrate

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sodium tartrate — Sodium L tartrate[1] IUPAC name …   Wikipedia

  • Potassium sodium tartrate — Chembox new Name = Potassium sodium tartrate ImageFile = K Na L (+) tartrate.png ImageSize = 200px ImageName = Potassium sodium tartrate IUPACName = Potassium sodium tartrate OtherNames = E337 Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 304 59 6… …   Wikipedia

  • potassium sodium tartrate — n ROCHELLE SALT * * * [USP] a compound, C4H4KNaO6·4H2O; used as a cathartic. Called also Preston salt and Rochelle salt …   Medical dictionary

  • potassium sodium tartrate — noun a double salt used in Seidlitz powder; acts as a cathartic • Syn: ↑Rochelle salt, ↑Rochelle salts • Hypernyms: ↑double salt * * * noun : rochelle salt * * * Chem. See …   Useful english dictionary

  • antimony sodium tartrate — [USP] a trivalent antimony compound having the same actions and uses as the potassium tartrate but more water soluble and less irritant when injected; now rarely used because of its toxicity …   Medical dictionary

  • Tartrate — A tartrate is a salt or ester of the organic compound tartaric acid, a dicarboxylic acid. Its formula is O−OC CH(OH) CH(OH) COO− or C4H4O62−.As food additives, tartrates are used as antioxidants. Examples are: * sodium tartrates (E335) **… …   Wikipedia

  • SODIUM — Le sodium est le plus courant des éléments alcalins. Son nom dérive de l’arabe soda , qui désignait le mélange de carbonates alcalins extrait des cendres de végétaux. Le symbole Na vient de son appellation allemande Natrium , qui dérive de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sodium potassium tartrate — n ROCHELLE SALT …   Medical dictionary

  • potassium sodium tartrate — Chem. See Rochelle salt. * * * …   Universalium

  • sodium — A metallic element, atomic no. 11, atomic wt. 22.989768; an alkali metal oxidizing readily in air or water; its salts are found in natural biologic systems and are extensively used in medicine and industry. The s. ion is the most plentiful… …   Medical dictionary

  • Tartrate de potassium-sodium — Sel de Seignette Sel de Seignette Général Nom IUPAC Tartrate de potassium et de sodium …   Wikipédia en Français

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